The ability to identify irregularities and defects in a well’s casing and tubing is crucial, as it will quickly help determine what immediate action to take to solve the problem before a catastrophe occurs.

With GOWell’s promise oq quality and affordability we make sure to minimize your spending by helping you evaluate the condition of the casing, tubing and cement quality in your well

What Evaluate Well

Early knowledge of corrosion/PI problems can help in:

  • Minimizing/removing the source
  • Implementing preventive measures
  • Precise identification of failure can minimize repair expense
  • Remedial action can be taken before the well is seriously damaged
  • Optimization of Workover programs, for maximum efficiency
  • An understanding of the corrosion pattern may help in optimizing the completion design

GOWell’s Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser (ALFA4) is a memory tool used to carry out various well diagnostic studies including Well Integrity Evaluation, Production Performance and Reservoir Monitoring. This device measures Acoustic Spectrum within the range of 8 Hz to 60,000 kHz with very high frequency resolution. The tool consists of Spectral Noise, Pressure, High Resolution Temperature and Casing Collar Locator sensors. The tool uses very sensitive acoustic sensor to be able to measure sound produced downhole by either gas or liquid flow. Measurements are taken over a wide frequency range, enabling a very effective way of leak detection a well as detection of various kinds of gas, water, or oil flow, including flow behind the pipe.