PT. Mulia Graha Abadi
Trendsetter in the oil industry especially in oil and gas services in indonesia
PT. MULIA GRAHA ABADI is an oil and gas services company, established its first office in 1986 and growth. PT. MULIA GRAHA ABADI now had workshops and office branches, with its main office at Jakarta.
On becoming the greatest and the leader of oil and gas services company
Be a company of choice by partners.
Be a role model for Independent Oil and Gas Services Company.
Be a company that financially healthy, ready and able to grow.
Be a leader in developing considered marginal fields in Indonesia.
Be a trendsetter in the oil industry especially in oil and gas services in Indonesia.

Service & Product

Drilling Bits
Over the past 10 years, PT. Mulia Graha Abadi has done the Joint Venture with Varel Europe to provide bits for the customers needs.

Wellhead & X-Mass Tree
manufacturer of petroleum equipment, integrating product research, development
and export since 2008. Our production base is located in Taman Tekno BSD

Coring Service
From 36 bases
stretching five continents, we are a formation evaluation service company,
delivering value to E&P companies by focusing on the core.

Well Integrity
PT. Mulia Graha Abadi committed to providing a safe working environment and good health to all employees in the office or worksite. We believe almost all workplace accidents, illness, property damage, fire and environmental accidents can be prevented. We strive to work safely and survive in our activities, preventing accidents, illness, property damage, fire or accident environment is key to our success in providing services to our customers.
In every job we commit to:
- Provide facilities and infrastructure decent work used by employees.
- Obeying the law, legislation and other requirements of other applicable limits and requirements governing the prevention of environmental impact, occupational health and safety from operating activities.
- Perform preventive measures and mitigation of impacts to the Occupational Health and Safety and Environment of the activities of the company.
- Seek improvement and sustainable development process to assist the establishment of Occupational Health and Safety and safe environment and better.
All employees of PT. Mulia Graha Abadi and sub-contractors must provide a real contribution to the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety and Environment as well as building a safe working environment.